Monday, April 2, 2012


10th Annual Benefit Consignment Auction
Tri-County FFA Parent Connections

Saturday April 7th at 10:00 AM EDST
Tri-County High School, Wolcott, Indiana

TAKEN 8AM-8PM Wednesday April 4th to Friday April 6th

Located one mile south of Wolcott, Indiana and three miles west of US 231 on county road 100 South, or twenty miles north of Lafayette, Indiana on US 231. The following items will be sold.

Consigned items as of March 21st, 2012, only a partial listing

Private Treaty Show Pig Sale
From 9 am to Noon in the high school agriculture shop, enter from the south side of the school.
Offering 15-20 January aged Hampshire, Yorkshire, Duroc and Crossbred Barrows and Gilts.
Consignors include Remington Connection, Taulman Showpigs, Shaffer’s Gold Rush, Pullen Family
Showpigs and Lear Bros. Showpigs. Contact Hayden Wilder, sale manager at 219-2081466 for information.

Shop Tools
16 inch scroll saw on stand, Craftsman router on stand, Craftsman belt sander on stand w/36 inch belt, Pro-tech 10 inch bench saw on stand.

Construction Supplies
Assortment of lumber and construction materials will be available.

Nursery Stock
Variety of shade and flowering trees, evergreens, shrubs, and perennials with the following nursery stock usually sold but not limited to the following: Norway Spruce, Colorado Blue Spruce, Shade Trees – Oak, Maple, Polar Ash; Ornamental Shrubs – Lilac, Forsythia, Sand Cherry, etc.; Silver Maple, Flowering Cherry, Bradford Pear, Dogwood, Purple Leaf Plum, Magnolia, Red Bud, Weeping Cherry, Tulip Poplar, Red Maple, River Birch, Fruit Trees-Apple, Cherry, Pear; Burning Bush, White Pine, Ash

Farm Equipment and Misc. Items
JD 1000 32 ft field cultivator with 5 bar harrow, 1975 IH 1600 Grain Truck 16’ B&H, V-8 w/good tires, 1968 Chevy C-50 grain truck w/52,000 miles w/10R22.5 tire and rims; gravity wagon; turning hay rake; JD 7000 Max-Emerge 4 row planter, wide row and dry fertilizer, 2004 727 K Grasshopper mower 61” deck; 1987 Honda 300 4 Trax 2 WD ATV, JD 8 hp generator; Craftsman Lawn Tractor, automatic w/42 inch deck; pickup bed trailer; tires with aluminum rims, 31 x 10.50R15 LT, 225 x 70R16; 2 – 500 gallon fuel tanks w/pumps; 2 – 500 gallon fuel tanks w/out pumps; 1100 gallon green plastic water tank; shop cabinets; shop shelving; bench grinder; chicken waterers and feeders; pull behind yard sprayer-wheel driven, residential boiler heater; lawn grass seeder, weed eater, used lumber, Craftsman chain saw 18 inch bar, woven fence wire.

Larry Scherer
Don Furrer
Bill Decker

Sale Office
(219) 279-2105 x 439

Terms: Cash or good check w/proper ID. Not responsible for accidents or property sold. Announcements day of sale take precedence over printed material. Lunch Served